Thursday, November 6, 2008

DIY - Wow Items

Have you ever wanted to make your own spells or items? Well where there is the internet there is a way. Wow Item Creator allows you to do just this with the excellent Flash based item creator. You can make spells, abilities, weapons armor and other items with items stats, use abilities, restrictions and flavor text. In fact the final result can look so good you could easily confuse it for the real thing. The Luck Dragon you see above was made in response to a comment on our guild forums. But I originally found this when trying to make an example Spell Power item before any existed in the game.

I would encourage you to jump on and have a look at some of the items people have made, my personal favorite so far is the Illidan Cookie, and have a go for yourself. While you are at it you can rate my Luck Dragon, even though I want to change the use effect to “can only be summoned in Outlands, Northrend or Fantastica”.


El Farol said...

lol that is so cool :P

Hmm, shouldn't you be at work? :P :P

Skyer said...

I actually wowhead'd the luck dragon after you posted it O.o

Ironarm said...

Gold Skyer Gold!

@Elf Hey i get a lunch break.