Monday, February 9, 2009

Weapon Enchants for Tanks

In the last patch Blizzard toyed with adding an excellent weapon enchant for tanking. In the end they pulled the plug and no new weapon enchant was introduced. But what does that leave those of us who aren’t Death Knights?* Below I have detailed what is, in my opinion, the top three tanking enchants and a bit of detail as to why. There are other options (when isn’t there really) but based on my research these are you best bet.

Titanium Weapon Chain
My current choice and also the cheapest of the three, this is a blacksmith created weapon enchant which improves your hit rating and reduces weapon disarm time. In terms of threat, hit is a great stat for tanks and although not stunning a reduction in weapon disarm time is handy. I prefer this enchant because it is cheap, easily acquirable and effective. If you min/max your character this probably isn’t the tank enchant for you.

Similar to the weapon chain, Accuracy provides hit rating but it also provides some critical strike rating as well. This enchant is usable by a lot of classes and is probably thought of most as a DPS enchant. However for a tanking warrior the hit and critical strike rating do translate to increased threat. The downside is the cost, this enchant is quite expensive. In fact if you had to buy all the materials and then tip your enchanter this could run at almost 1000 gold. If you can afford this and you aren’t low on mitigation then it is well worth the cost.

Mongoose was the tanking enchant of choice in Burning Crusade. It gives the weapon a chance to provide you with 120 agility and a slightly increased attack speed for 10 seconds. For a level 80 warrior this translates to approximately 1.3% extra dodge (based off these calculations) as well a slightly increased critical strike rating. If your low on mitigation then this may be well worth it as apparently it activates pretty often but the previous two enchants are still superior in terms of stat allocation and thus result.

*Death Knights can place runes on their weapons which function as powerful enchants. For tanking DKS, these runes help to mitigate the face they don’t have a shield (like warriors and paladins) or an extensive health pool (as with druids).
Image from


Trev said...

I was reading your post (naturally, else why would I be commenting). I had an idea about the special instanced bosses. They could make those bosses summonable at a location (not just automatically there once the instance is created). Then based on the level average of the group, the boss is assigned a level and set of capabilities.

For example, BRD brewfest boss (I cant remember his name) but when that instance is done with a bunch of 80s, he's made into a level 82-84 character. Yes.. 80s will easily clear the rest of the place but that event will be hard.

I initially thought that they should just scale the boss when the instance is created but that would allow people to form groups of level appropriate levels, then switch out members for higher level characters for an easy kill, achievement and loot.

It could also be conceivable to use the same system to make heroic modes available to all pre-BC dungeons. ie.. maybe the mobs are the same, but the bosses either scaled or increased to the present level cap type dungeons.. If you havent done BRD yet (for some strange reason) at level 80, then you have the option to encounter the bosses as you would either the reg mode, or heroic which would make the bosses equal to those in NR, for better loot, and achievement.

I dont know .. I just dont see why Blizz cant play with some of the content they presently have. Even if instead of playing with all of the dungeons, they work with just a few.. say SM cathedral, BRD, Diremaul. Even just BRD heroic would be appropriate for live release, as Blackrock Mountain is still a destination for many 80s, whether soloing BRD, exploring Blackrock Spire or going for MC raids, or even just working the 10 or so Mining or blacksmithing points they needed by getting Dark Iron smelting achieved.

Ironarm said...

Thanks for the comment. Although I am not exactly sure how this relates to tanking weapon enchants it is defiantly an interesting idea. Personally I’m hoping that they recycle old instance bosses in the Argent Tournament arena. It is supposed to be PvE after all.