Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Arena in WotLK

I was looking at Squiggle’s arena point the other night after we had finally got back into the swing of arena and realised that I have quite a few (over 2000) and was wondering what to do with them. At that time it occurred to me that I had no idea what would be happening to arena points once we got into Northrend. This morning my question was answered by Wryxian on the European forums, once you hit level 71 your points will be reset to zero. Therefore spend away because in a couple of months they will be gone!

In addition to this there will be skirmish brackets for 71 - 75 and 76 - 80 with Arena teams to be implemented at some stage post release for level 80 players. I hope we will be able to reforge Triptych at level 80, perhaps as a ret paladin, holy priest and mage team?

1 comment:

Ironarm said...

Last night I spent some of my points on Vengeful Gladiator's Satin Robe to replace Satin Robe. I wont have enough for new pants if we hit 1550 but hopefully this will help us get there.