Thursday, September 25, 2008

The future of gaming interaction?

One of the major newspapers in my city reported on a very interesting new technology today. The Australian founded company Emotiv has designed and constructed a wireless neuroheadset.

Called the EPOC this headset will allow a computer to interpret your facial expressions and your emotions as well as you cognitive actions. Essential you will be able to interact with objects inside a virtual world without a keyboard or mouse and these worlds will be able to no only react to you interaction but also you moods, emotions and expressions. This is done by 16 sensors mounted in the sleek white headset which will apparently be available for sale to the public later in the year for the small price of $300.

Currently this technology works best with their in house game (untitled) but it does come with software that allows you to use the headset with other games. This could mean that in a few years instead of pressing “2” on your keyboard to cast a fireball you just have to imagine casting a fireball and your in game avatar will start casting. The concept can be quite hard to get your head around but it all comes down to controlling something that happens on your computer by thought. Without having tried the system I can’t speak for is quality, for example it might actually be quite slow to respond, however now new technology is perfect.

Implications for people with disabilities is huge, a device such as this could allow people who struggle to use a computer because of a physical disability complete free access to what is these days an essential part of life. In five years time will everyone be using a device like this to control their computers? I don’t know, but I would tip this a technology to watch if only because it would be really fun to try at least once.

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