Friday, October 10, 2008

Ask a Question Rules

So there is a competition at Blizz Con to have your question asked to the developers. 20 people will get their question answered as well as a cool prize. However there are some weird restrictions as to who is eligible to enter. Normally it is restricted to only the US, so to see Australia listed at all was nice. However if you live in the sates of Queensland, Victoria or ACT you are not eligible. Firstly who ever wrote this need to revisit their geography, the ACT is a territory not a state. Second why are Qld, Vic and Act not eligible. It just makes no sense!

There is a reason I’m annoyed about this. Alassiel and I have purchased the Blizz Con coverage on Main event (pay TV) and I wouldn’t have minded getting a question answered. Also the purchase of this coverage is supposed to entitle you with a cool in game mount and I am worried this will set a precedent of my state not getting our mounts.

If you are wondering my question is “What is the next gen MMO you are working on?”

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