Monday, June 23, 2008

Blizzard Crits the WotLK Alpha Wiki with a C&D

I have posted several articles on leaked Wrath of the Litch King alpha information originating from the WotLK Alpha Wiki. However it appears that Blizzard have hit them with a Cease & Desist order. Apparently this relates to several things including the use of the work "Official", not having copy write lines on all pages and the use of leaked screen shots. For the moment this means no more easily accessible leaked alpha information.

The wotlk alpha wiki team appear to want to continue with their site but I guess that would be dependent on Blizzard. I'm not an expert on American law but I believe they have this thing called "freedom of speech" and I am sure people will try to apply it here.

If Blizzard want to avoid this sort of thing happening again they could do two things. Firstly if they don't want information leaked, keep testing internal or at least limited to a selection of secure sites. Second increase the rate at which they release information about Litch King, the measly one new race every few weeks isn't really enough.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

Eh, discourse over politics, society, culture, etc. isn't exactly what's going on here, and the "free speech" argument wouldn't likely hold a lot of water. What the WotLK Alpha Wiki is doing is misappropriating the intellectual property from the owners (Blizzard) for their own gains, both financial and otherwise. I don't consider myself a shill for Blizzard, but they have every legal right to pursue this strategy, silly as it may be to some.