Saturday, June 14, 2008

Unifided Spell Power and other changes

It appears that the introduction of Unified Spellpower and the consolidation of other stats is going to happen in Wrath of the Litch King. This idea appears to have been brought to the fore thanks to a blue post who talked about introducing a system where by healing and damage were based off one stat (Unified Spellpower). Various talents and mechanics would ensure that healing and damage continued at the same rate but that healers would have an overall increase in DPS. Along with this it appears that critical strike rating and hit rating will will be consolidated so apply to both physical abilities and spells. Shaman and Paladins with both receive noticeable benefits from shared physical and spell hit and crit.

About now is when people start complaining, "great now the dps will ninja my robe" or "great huntards will roll on my shaman mail". This is not entirly true, sure it will mean more people can roll on items but it also means there are more items for you to roll on. Unified Spellpower/hit/crit are not the only statistics either. No Warlock worth his salt is going to roll on an item with mp5. It will however require that players are a bit more careful and considerate of other when rolling on items and perhaps guild without DKP systems firm up their looting rules.

Further reading on this topic can be found at Wotlk Alpha Wiki, MMO Champion, Wow Insider 13th June and Wow Insider 9th June.

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