Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One Perfect Day

Sometimes everything clicks in wow and you get all the things you want in one shot. In this case two excellent events made me a very happy player last night. Firstly I got home to find my latest ebay purchase in my mail box making Ironarm the proud owner of A Paper Airplane Kit. I then jumped into Slave pens to have another few goes of Ahune and behold, the Scythe dropped on the fifth attempt. On top of that we then progressed to steam roll him in Heroic mode.

Once you sort everything out the Ahune encounter really isn’t that hard. You defiantly need some good area of effect classes to handle the mini elementals (warlocks are excellent); you need to keep away from the big elemental as he has a damaging aura and watch out for the frost spikes which come out of the ground. We didn’t have really high DPS but we did have an awesome healer and tank. Some players are of the opinion that a paladin tank is your best option but we found that a Druid tank worked really well. He could tank the large elemental in his damage gear then when it was dead could clean up elementals and help on the frozen core.

The Frost Sycthe isn’t the most amazing weapon stat wise but it looks awesome, and has a use effect which makes it snow over your character. I read a blog entry

1 comment:

Aaith said...

Was fun, we need to do a few more times to get the chant for the enchanters.

and and have to say Grats to our lock on the pet =)
