A couple of friends who live with Elfarol started playing a while back, Alassiel, Elfarol and I all agreed we would create characters and level with them. Well while Alassiel and my characters are still in their 20s Jyade, Bohni and Gordon (Elfarol's Mage) are not in their low 50s. Feeling guilty Alassiel an I thought we would take them all through an instance eventually deciding on Stratholme.
Before the Burning Crusade expansion Stratholme was one of the top five man instances. What with Ironarm not reaching 60 until well into Burning Crusade I have never played many of the "old school" instances Stratholme included.
For Jyade, Bohni and Gordon it was a great way to get experience with the hardest thing being not to run too close to anything which might want to kill you. All up we spent four hours there killing all of the bosses and getting a level or two of experience for all three.
Much loot was to be had which everyone walking away with something shiny. Alassiel got the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire and I picked up the Cannonball Runner along with a big pile of Holy Water to help in the Nightbane encounter.
All up it was a very fun trip!
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