Friday, May 2, 2008

Halfway between gold and horses

Okay I need to have a bit of a rant. I have previously written about Alliance in battlegrounds and the win vs loss ratios in Alterac Valley. Well I have just been playing Arathi Basin on Squiggle and I am astounded at the general stupidity of Alliance players. We were loosing, okay thats fine, but the reason we were losing was because half of the Alliance team were fighting at that midway point between the Goldmine and the Stables. I mean what were they expecting to achieve, do they not realise that you have to cap the flags to win?

I have been in Arthi Basin matches were our Alliance PUG has beaten Horde premade groups with superior gear because we had a solid strategy, we communicated horde movements and worked as a team. If only all Alliance groups could listen to others, talk about whats happening or has happened around them and work together. An easy example is to "assist" you allies, target what they target and burn it down together.

Sadly except for the rare occasion Alliance will not do this, we are doomed to fight in the middle and rarely achieve anything.

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