Monday, May 26, 2008

More WotLK Alpha Leaks

Last week I posted an article about some major information leaked during the WotLK Alpha testing. There was a lot of controversy surrounding this leak with Blizzard very against the republishing of leaked information. Although Wow news outlets have removed information when requested by Blizzard articles have continued to be posted covering leaked information linking to the information but not including it in the article. The Wowhead forums also have some discussion on the leak topic with the Wowhead team permitting leaked information to be posted (for the time being). It is understandable that Blizzard would be angry that leaks have occured, after all it does spoil surprises they would probably like to control. But in my opinion these leaks are building a lot of hype around the expansion. Perhaps if Blizzard wished to have the content of WotLK more secure they should have conducted their alpha tests in a more secure environment as opposed to distributing a client.

For those who are interested, information is continuing to come out, here is a video posted on Vemio showing the Tier sets for Priests, Warlocks, Mages, Rogues and Hunters.

Some of the sets are not quite complete but they still look fantastic! It seems that they are somewhat slimmed down with less over exaggerated spikes. There are also some excellent visual effect as visible on the priest shoulders. Will be good to see the Druid, Paladin, Shaman and Warrior sets too.

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