Friday, May 16, 2008

Ironforge Airfield

A short while ago one of my guildies mentioned that they were wandering around the airfield above Ironforge. This got me started, I had flown over the area many times and the the thought of being able to explore the area got excited.

After spending a while looking at you tube video and madly jumping up ravines I started to get very frustrated. There was video evidence it could be done but no matter what I did I just couldn't make it. I went back to youtube and finally found another method of getting there, slow falling from the Ironforge graveyard. I did it using the priest Slow Fall ability but apparently you can also do it with a Parachute Cloak or Noggenfogger Elixir.

I spent a while running around up there taking screen shots. There is a nice panorama of the airfield which you can see at the top of this post. I then slow fall jumped down towards The Wetlands so I could check out the little farming community on the hillside. More screen shots, another panorama and some running around led me to discover a tunnel that lead to outside the map mesh.

There are several other "hidden zones" which I will be exploring soon. A return to the airfield is in order as I forgot to hike to the top of Ironforge.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you'll be sad to know there's a very easy way to get to the IF flight field without death or cliff walking. It's a small path (can't see it unless you know where to look) near the rams...near the chick that you can buy the bunny from. I took my lvl 10 up that way.

The only way though to get down by the farmers would be slow falling or have a lock/paladin.

I love exploring though :)

Ironarm said...

Intriguing I will have to investigate this. I'm assuming you mean Amberstill Ranch?