Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Movment of the raiding front

On Sunday Children of Stormwind had two raid groups running simultaneously, one in Zul’Aman and one in Karazhan. This means we had a total of 20 level 70 players raiding at once. In addition to this a couple of people couldn’t attend Karazhan because they were already saved to a different raid ID. This raises the possibility of trying out Gruul’s Lair. We aren’t really in a position to run it regularly but we could give it a go. It will just be a matter of getting all of those people to again log in at one pre specified time.

Downing a 25 player raid boss is really the next step for Children of Stormwind, so it would be good to see us at least attempt it. Just having a go is how we managed to finally make some progress in Zul’Aman, perhaps bitting the bullet, setting a time and trying the best we can may be all we need.

However there was one difficulty, Team Speak. On Sunday night when most of raid groups were logged into Team Speak and the guild member who hosts it was attempting to play Team Speak collapsed. The Zul’Aman group reverted to using Skype but this indicates we may not be able to have a full 25 player raid using Team Speak at once.

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