Thursday, May 29, 2008

Loot Card Items

Have you ever wondered where you can get this Riding Turtle everyone goes on about in the general chat? Or where that cute Hippogryph Hatchling drops? Well the answer is loot cards. Loots cards are rare cards found in Warcraft Trading Card Game packs. There are some really amazing items including:

In order to get one of these items you need to find a loot card in a pack of cards. With the exception of Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit these cards are very rare. The only alternative to finding one of these cards in a pack is to buy one off ebay. Loot cards can sell for between a couple of dollars for a Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit to over $500 for a Spectral Tiger. These are the prices I have seen when Curiosity stuck one day so some cards could sell for more than that.

For a complete list of cards visit the wowiki page.


Brendan said...

Enjoying your blog, please keep it up.

Ironarm said...

Thank you Brendan, I will.