Monday, June 2, 2008

Dwarven Farm in Arathi Highlands

After exploring the Ironforge Airfield I decided to go and have a look at another unknown area. This one is on the far eastern coast of the Arathi Highlands. It appears to be a dwarven farm judging from the buildings.

The only occupants are two dwarves, one asleep and one wandering around near the stable, cats and a lot of rats. The rat population is quite hight I would have counted at least ten or so. Not that the cats are doing anything about it.

Unlike the Ironforge Airfield it is hard to see why this area exists. It doesn't lie under any flight path I have been on and getting there involves a long swim. There are only three reasons I can think of. Either it is there as a location for role playing it has some significance to a developer or it was never intended for anything. Oh well it was fun to look at anyway.

Note you can click in images to view larger versions.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

I would like to think that someone at Blizzard is simply including little touches to make the game "world" seem detailed and interesting to explore. Although I love WoW, endgame can really seem like tunnel-vision, with progression being the only thing that matters to whole guilds worth of people.